Fusion 21
Construction Works & Improvements framework
This specialist framework supports public sector organisations including housing, education and healthcare providers to deliver capital works programmes.
Like all frameworks from Fusion21, the Construction Works & Improvements framework is run by technical experts and only features pre-qualified, accredited supply partners.
It offers a range of construction works helping members to deliver asset lifecycle projects through the stages of design, build, operate and maintain.
From internal and external refurbishment and improvement works through to the building of additional structures, the framework is able to support public sector bodies to deliver regeneration programmes, modernisation and upgrade works plus expansion
of estates.
Framework features:
• Supports all types of building construction activity
• Sector split lots servicing housing, education, healthcare and the wider public sector
• Design and build options for structures across residential, commercial, corporate, education and public estates
• Supply partners appointed based on sector experience, competence and capability, and selected by region and value band to meet local delivery requirements
• Flexible specifications to suit your needs
Fusion 21 mission is to help Companies – and our 500+ members – to make a real impact in the public and social sectors; whether that’s realizing efficiency savings on the procurement of goods and services for property, construction and the built environment, or supporting their work in the local communities.
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Greyline have been appointed on the Fusion 21 – Construction and Improvements Framework Agreement – Lot 1A Housing Internal and External refurbishment – Term four years from 1st April 2019 to 1st April 2023