Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement


Greyline is committed to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst our workforce and supply chain, promoting diversity and eliminating discrimination.

Our approach

Greyline is committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion in all our business activities, including the provision of services and employment. This commitment underpins our way of working. We seek to maintain a positive working environment in which we respect each other, our employees, clients and suppliers.


This policy applies to all Greyline employees, in addition this policy applies equally to the treatment of our supply chain, applicants, visitors and clients by our staff and the treatment of our staff by these third parties.

Policy statement

Greyline is committed to ensuring that there shall be no discrimination, victimisation or less favourable treatment of any person because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Greyline will not tolerate direct or indirect discrimination, victimisation or harassment, whether intentional or unintentional. In the event of any of the above occurring, disciplinary action which may lead to dismissal.

Our commitments

  • To create an environment where individual differences and contributions are recognized and valued
  • To promote an inclusive working environment
  • Maintain a working environment that promotes respect and dignity for all
  • To make training, development and progression opportunities available to all staff
  • All staff are fully committed to embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in our day to day operations and applied through our policies and procedures
  • No one will discriminate based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation
  • Breaches of this policy will be regarded as serious misconduct and will be addressed in line with our disciplinary policy and could lead to dismissal

This policy is fully supported by senior management and all Greyline employees

Signed by Business Director:

Mark White

1st May 2022