Coronavirus Business Continuity Plan
The Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread around the globe including in the UK and, the UK government are updating their guidance regularly in reaction to events as they unfold in conjunction with Public Health England and the NHS.
In March 2020 the government published The Health Protection (Coronavirus) regulations 2020 which detail specific powers to the Secretary of State in relation to isolating persons and, enforcement powers to the police if required. Amongst other things.
Greyline Builders Limited are constantly reviewing the NHS/government guidance and working to it in relation to the present business activities.
Recently the UK has moved from the ‘containment’ phase of the government’s four stage plan to ‘delay’ which is aimed at social distancing. This is an acknowledgment that the spreading of the virus can no longer be contained.
Presently no restrictions have been implemented by the government in relation to isolating members of the public however, the government have advised that this will most likely occur in the future, should the situation escalate? As it is anticipated it will.
At present NHS guidance is:
- Wash hands regularly with soap & water for at least 20 seconds &
- Self-isolate for 7 days if displaying flu like symptoms &/or, a persistent cough.
As a consequence, GBL have distributed this guidance to all within the business and will continue to distribute guidance to those in the business as directed by government/NHS guidance.
Presently in the GBL business no persons have advised symptoms relating to Coronavirus however should they do so, guidance present at the time via the following government link will be implemented: As has been stated, guidance is changing all the time.
Furthermore ACAS have provided guidance for Employers & Employees via the following link: Upon conclusion of this Continuity Plan it will be provided to all within the business so all are aware of the present at any time &, are aware of their respective rights. Presently if persons employed by the business are required to have time off in relation to Coronavirus, their individual terms and conditions of employment should be referred to.
During the coming weeks and months GBL will liaise with its respective Client base so as to attempt to maintain as minimal disruption as is possible in business activities working with each individual Client, all the while working within the remit of government guidance/legislation.
In the immediate short term over the coming weeks the plans for some possible ‘what if’ mitigation scenarios are as follows:
- If the government imposes self-isolation on the over 70’s? This does not impact on any persons presently employed by GBL however, site staff will need to consider the need to ensure they do not visit any residents over the age of 70 via communication with Clients.
- If the government imposes self-isolation of persons with certain health conditions that deem them to be in the ‘at risk’ category, GBL HR to ask all Employees if they have any of the conditions included in the list at that point &, to demonstrate via a historic NHS relating document.
- Site teams are to ask 3 key questions of residents prior to sending Operatives to properties &, Operatives are again to ask the same 3 questions prior to entry being: Has the resident returned from travelling abroad in the last 14 days? Has the resident demonstrated any flu like symptoms, a fever or a persistent cough in the last 14 days? Has the resident been in contact with any other persons known to have tested positive for the Coronavirus in the last 14 days?
- Back office staff social interaction to be limited where practical namely, online meetings & working from home if access to required IT systems is available.
- This plan be distributed to all persons in the business and, available to Clients on request. A specific Risk Assessment has been prepared & this is to be distributed to all sites for their information/action.
- This plan to be re-visited prior to end of March 2020 to re-consider events at that time.
Signed by Business Director:
Mark White
1st May 2020